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Siram is an Indic language of the Indo-European language family. It is spoken in Jammu and Kashmir state in North India.

Source/ Investigator(s): Aejaz Mohammed Sheikh, Sameer Ahmad Kuchay, Zahid Bashir Lone, Nasreen Khaja
1Consonant Inventoriesmoderately large - 31Phonology
2Vowel Quality Inventorieslarge- 9Phonology
3Consonant-Vowel Ratioaverage 3.4Phonology
4Voicing in Plosives and FricativesIn both plosives and fricativesPhonology
5Voicing and Gaps in Plosive SystemsNone missing in /p t k b d g/Phonology
6Uvular ConsonantsabsentPhonology
7Glottalized ConsonantsabsentPhonology
8Lateral Consonants/l/, no obstruent lateralsPhonology
9The Velar NasalNo initial velarPhonology
10Vowel NasalizationContrast presentPhonology
11Front Rounded VowelsNonePhonology
12Syllable Structuremoderately complex syllable structure v, vc, cv, cvc, cvcc, cvc-cv-cvPhonology
13Absence of Common Consonantsall present- bilabial, nasal, fricativePhonology
14Presence of Uncommon Consonantsnone presentPhonology
15Fusion of Selected Inflectional FormativesExclusively concatenativeMorphology
16Locus of Marking in the ClauseDouble markingMorphology
17Locus of Marking in Possessive Noun PhrasesDependent marking Morphology
18Prefixing vs. Suffixing in Inflectional MorphologyStrongly suffixingMorphology
19ReduplicationBothfull and partial reduplication: /a:sta a:sta/ 'slowly slowly' /chai vai/ 'tea etc'Morphology
20Case SyncretismNon core: Dat-Gen /-e:/Morphology
21Number of GendersTwoMasculine. FeminineNominal Categories
22Sex-based and Non-sex-based Gender SystemsSex-basedNominal Categories
23Systems of Gender AssignmentSemantic and formalNominal Categories
24Coding of Nominal PluralityPlural suffixNominal Categories
25Occurrence of Nominal PluralityAll nouns, always obligatoryNominal Categories
26Plurality in Independent Personal PronounsPerson-number stemNominal Categories
27Indefinite articleIndefinite word same as 'one': /a:/ 'a'Nominal Categories
28Definite ArticlesNo definite or indefinite articleNominal Categories
29Distance Contrasts in DemonstrativesTwo-way contrast : remote/ proximate: /ude:/ 'there' , /i:de:/ 'here'Nominal Categories
30Inclusive/Exclusive Distinction in Independent PronounsNo inclusive/exclusiveNominal Categories
31Indefinite PronounsGeneric-noun-basedNominal Categories
32Gender Distinctions in Independent Personal PronounsNo gender distinctionsNominal Categories
33Number of CasessixNominal Categories
34Position of Case AffixesCase suffixesNominal Categories
35Ordinal NumeralsFirst, two-th, three-thNominal Categories
36Numeral ClassifiersOptional: /ek: billi:/ 'one cat' , /do: baɖe: gəra:/ 'two big houses' Nominal Categories
37Perfective/Imperfective AspectGrammatical markingVerbal Categories
38The Past TensePresent, no remoteness distinctionsVerbal Categories
39The Future TenseInflectional future exists /dekho ge:/ 'See-fut'Verbal Categories
40Position of Tense-Aspect AffixesTense-aspect suffixesVerbal Categories
41The ProhibitiveNormal imperative + special negativeVerbal Categories
42The Morphological ImperativeSecond person number-neutral verbal Categories
43The OptativeInflectional optative present: /gava: te:la: (INFL)/ 'fetch the cow'Verbal Categories
44Order of Subject, Object and VerbSOV: /loɖa: (S) ba:la: (O) sa:th kheda: ana:(V)/ 'The boy is playing with the ball'Word Order
45Order of Subject and VerbSVWord Order
46Order of Object and VerbOVWord Order
47Order of Adposition and Noun PhrasePostpositionsWord Order
48Order of Genitive and NounGenitive-Noun: /ma:di: kətab: / 'My books'Word Order
49Order of Adjective and NounAdjective-Noun: /baɖa: gɛr/ 'big house'Word Order
50Order of Demonstrative and NounDemonstrative-Noun: /ja duva:r/ 'This house'Word Order
51Order of Numeral and NounNumeral-Noun: /i:k gɛ / 'One house'Word Order
52Order of Negative Morpheme and Verb[Neg-V]: /nahi: dʒa:ta:/ 'don’t go'Word order
53Order of Relative Clause and NounRelative clause-Noun : /dʒis laɖke ne: toɖa: ha:/ 'The boy who has broken'Word Order
54Passive ConstructionsPresentsimple Clauses
55Predicative AdjectivesVerbal encoding, / vo: a:dmi: moʈa: hɛ/ 'That man is fat'Simple Clauses
56Position of Interrogative Phrases in Content QuestionsNot initial interrogative phrase : /vo: ko:ni (Wh) a:ja:/ 'Who is he?'Word Order
57Indefinite Pronounsmixed type, /koi : bi:/ 'anybody', /sa: re:/ 'everyone'Nominal Categories
58Alignment of Verbal Person MarkingAccusativeWord Order
59Negative MorphemesNegative particle /nahi:/ 'no'Lexicon