Events Archive
Phonetic Transcription Training Program |
The main aim was to train the Resource Persons of SPPEL in phonetic transcription before going to the field and with this objective the program was a great success.
Our experts
1) Prof. Peri Bhashkararao, IIIT Hyderabad
2) Dr. Rekha Sharma, Retired from CIIL Mysore
3) Dr. Ravishankar, Pondicherry
Apart from the Resource Persons of SPPEL (14), 12 students from Mysore University also actively participated in the program.
The technical team of SPPEL project also participated in the program.
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Training Programme On Field Techniques |
Training Programme On Field Techniques
(18th August 2014 to 21st August 2014)
The main aim of field visit was to train and to give practical experience in the field techniques to the Resource Persons and Technical Staff as well. It was a success trip.
Workshop began with a warm welcome and introduction given by Dr. Ramamoorthy, Chairperson of the SPPEL. There were four experts
1) Prof. B. Ramakrishna Reddy. 2) Prof. Ramesh Kumar. 3) Prof. Kikkeri Narayanan. 4) Prof. V. Gnanasundaram.
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Event Photos |
Field Visit on Jenu Kuruba Language |
The main aim of field visit was to train and to give practical experience in the field to the Resource Persons and Technical Staff as well. It was a success trip.
RP’s, Technical Staff and along with our Project Coordinator went to Jenukuruba settlement. The Coordinator divided us in 6 groups, each group consists 3 persons (2 RP’s and 1 Kannada interpreter).
It is a resettled village. These tribes have built their settlements in several hilly and mountainous areas. Traditionally they are a tribe of honey
gatherers and hunters. Tribes also carry on cultivation as a supplementary profession.
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Principal Investigators (PI) Meet |
Principal Investigators (PI) Meet (On 26th and 27th September, 2014)
The main agenda for the meeting were to inform Principal Investigators (PI) about the importance of documenting culture and folklore in audio-visual format, informing about the formats for sending data to CIIL, to give the feedback about the work done earlier by the PIs and to address the problems faced by the PI's
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Workshop cum Intensive Training Programme |
Workshop cum Intensive Training Programme in Documentation and Description Of Tribal and Endangered Languages of North- East India (7th-11th, August 2017)
The main aim was to train the students to document Tribal and Endangered Languages of North- East India in dealing with actual fieldwork data which gives them practical experience to work on their field. The program was also focussed to train students to analyse linguistic data.
Workshop began with a warm welcome and introduction given by Prof. Henry Lamin, Pro Vice-Chancellor, NEHU, Shillong, (Chief Guest)
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