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Rongpo (ISO Code - rnp) is a Bodic language of the Sino-Tibetan language family. It is spoken in Uttrakhand state in North India.

Source/ Investigator(s): Ayesha Kidwai, Benika Kumari, Meiraba Takhellambam, Ojeshwee Bhalla, Karthick Narayanan, Shreya Mehta, Vyom Sharma
1Consonant InventoriesAverage: 25 consonants Phonology
2Vowel Quality InventoriesAverage: 6 vowelsPhonology
3Consonant-Vowel RatioAverage: 4.16 Phonology
4Voicing in Plosives and FricativesVoicing contrast in plosives only: p, b, t; k, g,d Phonology
5Voicing and Gaps in Plosive SystemsNone missing from /p t k b d g/Phonology
6Uvular Consonants NonePhonology
7Glottalized ConsonantsNonePhonology
8Lateral Consonants/l/, no obstruent laterals Phonology
9Vowel Nasalization AbsentPhonology
10Velar NasalVelar nasal, no initially: /uŋ/ 'stone'Phonology
11Front Rounded Vowels AbsentPhonology
12Syllable structureModerately complex syllable structure: VC, CV, CCV, CVC, CCVCPhonology
13ToneSimple tone systemPhonology
14Common ConsonantsAll present: Nasals,bilabials, fricativesPhonology
15Uncommon ConsonantsNonePhonology
16Fusion of Selected Inflectional FormativesExclusively concatenative Morphology
17Locus of Marking in Possessive Noun Phrases Dependent marking Morphology
18Locus of Marking: Whole-language TypologyInconsistent marking or other type Morphology
19Zero Marking of A and P Arguments Non-zero marking Morphology
20Prefixing vs. Suffixing in Inflectional Morphology Strongly suffixing Morphology
21ReduplicationFull ReduplicationMorphology
22Case Syncretism  core and non-core casesMorphology
23Syncretism in Verbal Person/Number MarkingsyncreticMorphology
24Number of GendersNoneNominal Categories
25Sex-based and Non-sex-based Gender SystemsNo gender Nominal Categories
26Systems of Gender AssignmentNo gender systemNominal Categories
27Coding of Nominal PluralityPlural suffixNominal Categories
28Occurrence of Nominal PluralityAll nouns, obligatoryNominal Categories
29Indefinite PronounsGeneric-noun-based indefinitesNominal Categories
30Plurality in Independent Personal PronounsPerson-number stemNominal Categories
31ArticlesNo definite or indefinite articleNominal Categories
32Inclusive/Exclusive Distinction in Independent PronounsNo inclusive/exclusiveNominal Categories
33Distance Contrasts in DemonstrativesTwo-way contrast: /dʰi/ 'this' /dʰe/ 'that'Nominal Categories
34Gender Distinctions in Independent Personal PronounsNo gender distinctionsNominal Categories
35 Indefinite Pronounsgeneric nounsNominal Categories
36Number of Cases8 case categories: Nom /-Ø/, Acc /-r, Erg - dʒ/, Dat /-ər, -re, -r, -or/, Gen /-t/, Inst /-se, -tʃ,-dʒ/, Loc /-pər, -kəl/, Abl /-dodʒ/, -əmsa, /-dəb, -dʒ/Nominal Categories
37Position of Case AffixesCase suffixesNominal Categories
38Perfective/Imperfective AspectGrammatical markingVerbal Categories
39 Past Tense Present, no remoteness distinctionsVerbal Categories
40 PerfectOther perfectVerbal Categories
41Position of Tense-Aspect AffixesTense-aspect suffixesVerbal Categories
42The Prohibitive Normal imperative + normal negativeVerbal Categories
43Inflectional optative present Inflectional optative presentVerbal Categories
44Situational PossibilityVerbal constructionsVerbal Categories
45Epistemic PossibilityVerbal constructionsVerbal Categories
46Semantic Distinctions of EvidentialityBoth direct and indirect evidentialsVerbal Categories
47Coding of EvidentialityVerbal affix or cliticVerbal Categories
48Order of Subject, Object and VerbSOV: sita-Nom ori (good) keti-Obj (girl) hi (V) 'Sita is a good girl'Word Order
49Order of Subject and VerbSVWord Order
50Order of Object and VerbOVWord Order
51Order of Adposition and Noun PhrasePostpositionsWord Order
52Order of Adjective and NounNo dominant order: /ori nʰam/ 'good village' /dʰə dao ləbu ja/ 'tree big'Word Order
53Order of Demonstrative and NounDemonstrative-Noun: /dʰi dʰijara/ 'this house'Word Order
54Order of Numeral and NounNumeral-Noun: bis mi-ʃɛ 'twenty people'Word Order
55Order of Negative Morpheme and VerbNegV: /mʰə-dʒe/ 'Neg-eat'Word Order
56Preverbal Negative MorphemesNegVWord Order
57Position of Negative Word With Respect to Subject, Object, and VerbSONegV: sita-Nom ori (good) keti-Obj (girl) mʰə-hi (NegV) 'Sita is not a good girl'Word Order
58Postverbal Negative MorphemesNoneWord Order
59Order of Relative Clause and NounRelative clause follows noun (NRel)Word Order
60 Position of Interrogative Phrases in Content QuestionsNot initial interrogative phrase: ram-dʒə dʒəbɔŋ mʰə-dʒe (NegV) 'Ram has not eaten food'Word Order
61Relationship between the Order of Object and Verb and the Order of Adjective and NounOV and AdjNWord Order
62Relationship between the Order of Object and Verb and the Order of Adposition and Noun PhraseOV and PostpositionsWord Order
63Alignment of Case Marking of Full Noun PhrasesNominative - accusative (standard)Simple Clauses
64Alignment of Case Marking of Pronounsnominative–accusative Simple Clauses
65Alignment of Verbal Person MarkingAccusativeSimple Clauses
66Negative morphemeNegative affix: /-mʰa/Simple Clauses
67Numeral BasesDecimalLexicon