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Khana is an Indic language of the Indo-European language family. It is spoken in Jammu and Kashmir state in North India.

Source/ Investigator(s): Adil Amin Kak, Humaira Khan, Sumia Tariq, Javaid Ahmed Lone
1Consonant Inventorieslarge 34Phonology
2Vowel Quality Inventorieslarge 9Phonology
3Consonant-Vowel Ratioavrage 3.7Phonology
4Voicing in Plosives and FricativesIn plosives alonePhonology
5Voicing and Gaps in Plosive SystemsNone missing in /p t k b d g/Phonology
6Uvular ConsonantsAbsent Phonology
7Glottalized ConsonantsNo glottalized consonantsPhonology
8Lateral Consonants/l/, no obstruent lateralsPhonology
9The Velar NasalNo initial velar nasal Phonology
10Vowel NasalizationContrast present /õ/ /ɽõɖ/ ‘stone’, /ã/ /pãːj/ ‘waterʼ, /ĩ/ /soĩj/ ‘daughter-in- law' father ʼ /ũ/ /aːũː/ ‘ɪʼ, /ẽ/ /hẽɡ/ ‘hornʼ, /ɛ̃/ /lɛ̃s/ ‘eunuch.’Phonology
11Front Rounded Vowelsmid : /ɛ /Phonology
12Syllable StructureModerately complex ccvccPhonology
13Absence of Common ConsonantsAll present: bilabial, fricative, nasalPhonology
14Presence of Uncommon ConsonantsnonePhonology
15Fusion of Selected Inflectional FormativesExclusively concatenativeMorphology
16Exponence of Selected Inflectional FormativesMonoexponential caseMorphology
17Exponence of Tense-Aspect-Mood InflectionTAM+agreementMorphology
18Locus of Marking in the ClauseDouble markingMorphology
19Locus of Marking in Possessive Noun PhrasesDependent markingMorphology
20Zero Marking of A and P ArgumentsNon-zero markingMorphology
21Prefixing vs. Suffixing in Inflectional MorphologyStrongly suffixingMorphology
22Reduplicationboth partial and full: /tjez - tjez/ ‘quickly’, /dostɨ- vostɨ/ ‘friends and like ’Morphology
23Case Syncretismnon-core : locative=dative //-as/Morphology
24Number of GendersTWONominal Categories
25Sex-based and Non-sex-based Gender SystemsSex basedNominal Categories
26Systems of Gender Assignmentsemantic and formalNominal Categories
27Coding of Nominal PluralityPlural prefix and vowel modificiation /bəɖ kitab/ 'books', /nuk/ ‘child’ /nikɨ/ ‘children’Nominal Categories
28Definite ArticlesNo definite or indefinite articleNominal Categories
29Indefinite ArticlesNo definite or indefinite articleNominal Categories
30Definite ArticlesNo definite or indefinite articleNominal Categories
31Inclusive/Exclusive Distinction in Independent PronounsNo inclusive/exclusiveNominal Categories
32Distance Contrasts in DemonstrativesTwo-way contrast: proximate /ji: jim/ 'this: these'Nominal Categories
33Gender Distinctions in Independent Personal PronounsNo gender distinctionsNominal Categories
34 Politeness Distinctions in PronounsNo politeness distinctionNominal Categories
35Indefinite PronounsGeneric-noun-based: /kats ti/ ‘no one’ , / kãts / ‘nobody’ , /har kə̃tsɨ / everybody’Nominal Categories
36Person Marking on AdpositionsNo person markingNominal Categories
37Number of CasesSevenNominal Categories
38Position of Case AffixesCase suffixesNominal Categories
39Ordinal NumeralsFirst/one-th, two-th, three-thNominal Categories
40Position of Pronominal Possessive Affixes Possessive suffixes: /mioːn nikʰ cʰu / ‘my children’ Nominal Categories
41Perfective/Imperfective AspectGrammatical markingVerbal Categories
42The Past Tensepresent, no remoteness markerVerbal Categories
43Position of Tense-Aspect AffixesTense-aspect suffixesVerbal Categories
44Order of Subject, Object and VerbV2 language (no dominant Word Order) SVO : /me paʃtu dʒaːnvar/ ‘I saw the birdʼ SOV : /ãv cʰus jur jet/ ‘I come here’Word Order
45Order of Subject and VerbSVWord Order
46Order of Object and VerbOV : /bazaːr dʒiː/ ‘come to the bazaar’Word Order
47Order of Adposition and Noun PhrasePostpositionsWord Order
48Order of Genitive and Noungen-noun: /tisaj dʒaːj/ his housesWord Order
49Order of Adjective and Nounadj-noun: /asɨl nikɨ/ ɡood boysWord Order
50Order of Demonstrative and NounDemonstrative-Noun Word Order
51Order of Numeral and NounNum-NWord Order
52Order of Relative Clause and NounMixedWord Order
53Languages with two Dominant Orders of Subject, Object, and VerbSOV or SVOWord Order
54Negative MorphemesNegative particle: /chunɨ/, /mɨ/, /nɨ/, /chun/, /nu/ and /na/Lexicon