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Hassadi is an Indic language of the Indo-European language family. It is spoken in Jammu & Kashmir state in North India.

Source/ Investigator(s): Nazir Ahmad Dhar, Javaid Ahmad Sofi, Younis Rashid
1Consonant InventoriesModerately large : 30Phonology
2Vowel Quality InventoriesLarge : 10Phonology
3Consonant-Vowel RatioAverage : 3.0Phonology
4Voicing in Plosives and FricativesIn plosives alone: /p/ ~ /b/, /t/ ~ /d/, /k/ ~ /ɡ/Phonology
5Voicing and Gaps in Plosive SystemsNone missing in /p t k b d g/Phonology
6Uvular Consonants AbsentPhonology
7Glottalized ConsonantsNo glottalized consonants Phonology
8Lateral Consonants/l/, no obstruent lateralsPhonology
9Vowel Nasalization ɑ̃, ə̃, õ, ẽ, ĩ, ũ, ʊ̃, ɛ̃ Phonology
10Velar NasalVelar nasal, but not initiallyPhonology
11Front Rounded Vowels NonePhonology
12Syllable structuremoderately complex syllable CCVCPhonology
13ToneNo tones Phonology
14Common ConsonantsAll present: Bilabials, Ficatives, NasalsPhonology
15Uncommon ConsonantsNonePhonology
16Fusion of Selected Inflectional FormativesExclusively concatenativeMorphology
17Exponence of Selected Inflectional FormativesMonoexponential Morphology
18Exponence of Tense-Aspect-Mood InflectionTAM+agreement : /mɛ (1-sg) bəzɑr (market) dʒɑndɑ (go-prs)/ ‘I ɡo to the marketʼ Morphology
19Locus of Marking in the ClauseHead as well as dependent markingMorphology
20Locus of Marking in Possessive Noun Phrases Dependent markingMorphology
21Locus of Marking: Whole-language TypologyInconsistent or otherMorphology
22Prefixing vs. Suffixing in Inflectional Morphology Strongly suffixingMorphology
23ReduplicationFull and partial: /bəle bəle/ ‘slowly slowly’ , /tʃɑj ʃɑj/ 'tea and the like'Morphology
24Case Syncretism Core and non-coreMorphology
25Number of GendersTwo: Masculine and feminineNominal Categories
26Sex-based and Non-sex-based Gender SystemsSex-basedNominal Categories
27Systems of Gender Assignment Semantic and formalNominal Categories
28Coding of Nominal PluralityPlural suffixNominal Categories
29Occurrence of Nominal PluralityAll nouns, obligatoryNominal Categories
30Definite ArticlesDemonstrative word used as definite articleNominal Categories
31Indefinite Articles No indefinite, but definite articleNominal Categories
32Inclusive/Exclusive Distinction in Independent PronounsNo inclusive/exclusiveNominal Categories
33Distance Contrasts in DemonstrativesTwo-way contrast: /ɛ/ ‘thisʼ , /o/ ‘that,' /e/ ‘theseʼ /o/ ‘thoseʼNominal Categories
34Number of Cases8 case categoriesNominal Categories
35Position of Case AffixesCase suffixesNominal Categories
36Ordinal NumeralsFirst, two-th, three-th: /pehlɑ/ ‘first’, /duɑ/ ‘second’, /trejɑ/ ‘third’ Nominal Categories
37Position of Pronominal Possessive AffixesPossessive suffixes: mɛrɪ-jɑ, mɛrɛ, mɛriNominal Categories
38Perfective/Imperfective AspectGrammatical marking: dɪkʰɑ 'see'-Impf, dɪkʰ-jɑ 'see-PfvVerbal Categories
39 Past Tense Present, no remoteness distinctionsVerbal Categories
40Future TenseInflectional future existsVerbal Categories
41Position of Tense-Aspect AffixesTense-aspect suffixesVerbal Categories
42The OptativeInflectional optative absentVerbal Categories
43Suppletion According to Tense and AspectSuppletion in both tense and aspect: dʒɑndi go-pre-f-sg Verbal Categories
44Order of Subject, Object and VerbSOV: tʊse (S ) kəbutər (O) dɪkʰ-jɑ (V) hɛ ‘ You saw the birdʼWord Order
45Order of Subject and VerbSVWord Order
46Order of Object and VerbOV: bəzɑrɑ (O )ɑo (V) 'come to market'Word Order
47Order of Adposition and Noun PhrasePostpositionsWord Order
48Order of Genitive and NounGenN: ʊsdɑ-Gen kər-ɸ house 'His house'Word Order
49Order of Adjective and NounAdj-N: ətʃʰi- adj kəhɑni- N 'Good story'Word Order
50Order of Demonstrative and NounDemN: ʊsdɑ-Dem kər-N 'His house'Word Order
51Order of Numeral and NounNumeral-Noun: do- Num kəra-N 'two houses'Word Order
52Order of Degree Word and AdjectiveDegAdjWord Order
53Order of Relative Clause and NounMixed types of relative clause with none dominant Word Order
54Alignment of Verbal Person MarkingAccusativeSimple Clauses
55Passive ConstructionsPresent: ruʈe əũ kʰɑje kardɑ̃ ‘The bread is eaten by him’Simple Clauses
56 Negative Morphemes negative particle /nəhi /Simple Clauses
57Causative ConstructionsPresent: mɛ niplene bətʃtʃe dud- pilɑndɑ-Caus ‘I make the nurse feed the baby’Simple Clauses
58Numeral BasesDecimal Lexicon