Sl.No. | Feature | Value | Area |
1 | Consonant Inventories | Moderately large : 30 | Phonology |
2 | Vowel Quality Inventories | Large : 10 | Phonology |
3 | Consonant-Vowel Ratio | Average : 3.0 | Phonology |
4 | Voicing in Plosives and Fricatives | In plosives alone: /p/ ~ /b/, /t/ ~ /d/, /k/ ~ /ɡ/ | Phonology |
5 | Voicing and Gaps in Plosive Systems | None missing in /p t k b d g/ | Phonology |
6 | Uvular Consonants | Absent | Phonology |
7 | Glottalized Consonants | No glottalized consonants | Phonology |
8 | Lateral Consonants | /l/, no obstruent laterals | Phonology |
9 | Vowel Nasalization | ɑ̃, ə̃, õ, ẽ, ĩ, ũ, ʊ̃, ɛ̃ | Phonology |
10 | Velar Nasal | Velar nasal, but not initially | Phonology |
11 | Front Rounded Vowels | None | Phonology |
12 | Syllable structure | moderately complex syllable CCVC | Phonology |
13 | Tone | No tones | Phonology |
14 | Common Consonants | All present: Bilabials, Ficatives, Nasals | Phonology |
15 | Uncommon Consonants | None | Phonology |
16 | Fusion of Selected Inflectional Formatives | Exclusively concatenative | Morphology |
17 | Exponence of Selected Inflectional Formatives | Monoexponential | Morphology |
18 | Exponence of Tense-Aspect-Mood Inflection | TAM+agreement : /mɛ (1-sg) bəzɑr (market) dʒɑndɑ (go-prs)/ ‘I ɡo to the marketʼ
| Morphology |
19 | Locus of Marking in the Clause | Head as well as dependent marking | Morphology |
20 | Locus of Marking in Possessive Noun Phrases | Dependent marking | Morphology |
21 | Locus of Marking: Whole-language Typology | Inconsistent or other | Morphology |
22 | Prefixing vs. Suffixing in Inflectional Morphology | Strongly suffixing | Morphology |
23 | Reduplication | Full and partial: /bəle bəle/ ‘slowly slowly’ , /tʃɑj ʃɑj/ 'tea and the like' | Morphology |
24 | Case Syncretism | Core and non-core | Morphology |
25 | Number of Genders | Two: Masculine and feminine | Nominal Categories |
26 | Sex-based and Non-sex-based Gender Systems | Sex-based | Nominal Categories |
27 | Systems of Gender Assignment | Semantic and formal | Nominal Categories |
28 | Coding of Nominal Plurality | Plural suffix | Nominal Categories |
29 | Occurrence of Nominal Plurality | All nouns, obligatory | Nominal Categories |
30 | Definite Articles | Demonstrative word used as definite article | Nominal Categories |
31 | Indefinite Articles | No indefinite, but definite article | Nominal Categories |
32 | Inclusive/Exclusive Distinction in Independent Pronouns | No inclusive/exclusive | Nominal Categories |
33 | Distance Contrasts in Demonstratives | Two-way contrast: /ɛ/ ‘thisʼ , /o/ ‘that,' /e/ ‘theseʼ /o/ ‘thoseʼ | Nominal Categories |
34 | Number of Cases | 8 case categories | Nominal Categories |
35 | Position of Case Affixes | Case suffixes | Nominal Categories |
36 | Ordinal Numerals | First, two-th, three-th: /pehlɑ/ ‘first’, /duɑ/ ‘second’, /trejɑ/ ‘third’ | Nominal Categories |
37 | Position of Pronominal Possessive Affixes | Possessive suffixes: mɛrɪ-jɑ, mɛrɛ, mɛri | Nominal Categories |
38 | Perfective/Imperfective Aspect | Grammatical marking: dɪkʰɑ 'see'-Impf, dɪkʰ-jɑ 'see-Pfv | Verbal Categories |
39 | Past Tense | Present, no remoteness distinctions | Verbal Categories |
40 | Future Tense | Inflectional future exists | Verbal Categories |
41 | Position of Tense-Aspect Affixes | Tense-aspect suffixes | Verbal Categories |
42 | The Optative | Inflectional optative absent | Verbal Categories |
43 | Suppletion According to Tense and Aspect | Suppletion in both tense and aspect: dʒɑndi go-pre-f-sg
| Verbal Categories |
44 | Order of Subject, Object and Verb | SOV: tʊse (S ) kəbutər (O) dɪkʰ-jɑ (V) hɛ ‘ You saw the birdʼ | Word Order |
45 | Order of Subject and Verb | SV | Word Order |
46 | Order of Object and Verb | OV: bəzɑrɑ (O )ɑo (V) 'come to market' | Word Order |
47 | Order of Adposition and Noun Phrase | Postpositions | Word Order |
48 | Order of Genitive and Noun | GenN: ʊsdɑ-Gen kər-ɸ house 'His house' | Word Order |
49 | Order of Adjective and Noun | Adj-N: ətʃʰi- adj kəhɑni- N 'Good story' | Word Order |
50 | Order of Demonstrative and Noun | DemN: ʊsdɑ-Dem kər-N 'His house' | Word Order |
51 | Order of Numeral and Noun | Numeral-Noun: do- Num kəra-N 'two houses' | Word Order |
52 | Order of Degree Word and Adjective | DegAdj | Word Order |
53 | Order of Relative Clause and Noun | Mixed types of relative clause with none dominant | Word Order |
54 | Alignment of Verbal Person Marking | Accusative | Simple Clauses |
55 | Passive Constructions | Present: ruʈe əũ kʰɑje kardɑ̃ ‘The bread is eaten by him’ | Simple Clauses |
56 | Negative Morphemes | negative particle /nəhi / | Simple Clauses |
57 | Causative Constructions | Present: mɛ niplene bətʃtʃe dud- pilɑndɑ-Caus ‘I make the nurse feed the baby’ | Simple Clauses |
58 | Numeral Bases | Decimal | Lexicon |